Decorating is big business. We all love the big reveal in those home decorating shows. We plan, we dream, we imagine. And then we look around at our space and wonder…..There are many types of artists around the world and one group that I particularly admire is those that can decorate and redesign whole new living spaces.

There is so much to take into account when decorating. First there is the spatial scenario which may include moving walls, windows, and thinking through the function of the room. A big part of redesign is a thematic style: rustic and cozy, modern and sleek, traditional, casual. Add to it the lighting, paint, and furniture and it can be a daunting project. Nevertheless I’ve known many who exhibit an absolute love and talent for this special art. If you’re that person you may want a few beautiful paintings created just for your special space.

Here is an example of what I’m talking about:

Original art can be the extra special touch that finishes off a room or a suite. 

Here’s a lovely note from one of my collectors Edrie Scisciani commenting on another one of my collectors, Leesa Donner’s two new paintings:

Hi Laura!  It’s Edrie.  I adore the paintings of the horses!!  

Edrie Scisciani, collector
© Laura Gabel, “Night Riders”. Mixed Media, 32x32. Private Collection.
© Laura Gabel, “Night Riders”. Mixed Media, 32×32. Private Collection. Purchase Here
© Laura Gabel, “Spring Romp”. Mixed Media, 26x32. Private Collection.
© Laura Gabel, “Spring Romp”. Mixed Media, 26×32. Private Collection. Purchase Here

They are just gorgeous!  I told Leesa you captured the soft eyes of a good horse.  I love them!  Leesa already put up spots on each painting and I turn just those on in the evening.  It just completes that room so perfectly!!  My deepest compliments!  You amaze me!  I love the [western] paintings  like my Wyoming going down their steps!  Much love to you hon!  I still want to commission you for that horse over my mantle!!

Edrie Scisciani, collector

If you’d like to put a finishing touch on your redesigned or redecorated space, just contact me and we can discuss some creative ideas.

Maybe you’re one of those talented artists who has an eye for decorating. So perhaps you’d like to have a print or a canvas made of one of my original works! You can shop for all sorts of decorating ideas from prints to pillows to shower curtains.

And when you’ve added some incredible art to your space, leave a picture in the comments. We want to celebrate your work. In either case, happy decorating!


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