I want to challenge you NOT to make a resolution this year. Instead, why not make a critical decision that could change your life? Imagine you are going to spend your first set of holidays without your best friend of 36 years. How would you do it? Would you go into hiding? I wanted to. Facing Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve (our anniversary), New Year’s day and my birthday—just the thought turned my stomach.
But when you’ve made a critical decision to put yourself in the Master’s hands, He always surprises you.
Do you like surprises? I do!
A long time ago, I made a critical decision to place myself in the path of obedience to receive whatever God has for me. This is hard, you become vulnerable.

Verdriet maar geborgen in Gods hand by urkinbeeld Sculpture
I don’t like being exposed, I don’t like change and I don’t like stepping out on my own. In other words, making this critical decision does not mean life will be easy. Many of you have heard the phrase “Obedience brings blessing.” Sounds great, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. It would have been much easier to stay home and feel sorry for myself. But God was putting people, places and divine connections into alignment for me. I believe once you make that critical decision to obey, He gets the ball rolling!
Yes, once you decide to grab God’s hand as He reaches out for you, you are in for a wild ride! My first stop was Thanksgiving in Sarasota with my sister, brother-in-law and my two nephews. “Yes Laura, get in the car, drive an hour and a half by yourself in holiday traffic.” He protected me. I learned to trust in the Lord with all my heart on that drive, especially as the trucks roared by!
I was loved, feeling the power of my sister’s love. She took care to minister to me, through the waves of sadness, she made me laugh! We went to a restaurant where Ken and I once sat, I remember holding his hand, my heart squeezed tight at the memory, as my sis and I sat drinking in the sunset over a marina pier having a great dinner.

I was encouraged. We walked, shopped, talked at St. Armand’s circle. I especially wanted to see the type of art work being done in the area. In the stillness, I could hear my husband whisper “your work is just as good, keep painting”.

I had a great time making banana cream pudding with my nephew Will!

I was inspired. My brother-in-law Tim got us front row seats for the Music Man at the Asolo Theatre. Wow, what a beautiful place. I think I smiled for the whole show watching these great performers tap their way through the whole play. I was breathless, just watching!
He never changes, but when you journey with Him, He changes you.
Can you not discern this new day of destiny
breaking forth around you?
The early signs of my purposes and plans
are bursting forth.
The budding vines of new life
are now blooming everywhere.
The fragrance of their flowers whispers,
“There is change in the air.”
Arise, my love, my beautiful companion,
and run with me to the higher place.
For now is the time to arise and come away with me. Song of Songs 2:13 The Passion Translation
So I want to encourage you to make a critical decision to go where God leads you. If you’ve done that, please share it with me!