What are your longings? Does a good memory get better, the more often you remember it? Some researchers say so. If that is the case then I can tell you for certain that I experienced that on my trip this last December. 

When my brother Alan and Teresa invited me out to Arizona, I was excited! I was excited to see their beautiful home. Very excited to see, once again, Phoenix, where I met Ken. I had not returned for over 25 years and wanted to relive the landscape and some of the places we enjoyed together. 

Very quickly I knew in my heart that I wanted to do a series of little landscapes, little jewels of the desert that he and I had come to love. I would call it “Arizona Longings”! So come on this painting journey with the first in the series that I call “Crimson Canyon” which is the place where Alan and Teresa live and looks out over their exquisite garden patio.

What a beautiful place to paint! Look at my set up, the light coming through the open air kitchen eating area, the view is fabulous:

What are your longings? Arizona studio

Here’s a closer look at my set up, there’s nothing better than a cup of coffee and a start on some art!

What are your longings? Arizona art studio and supplies

The initial sketch and first layer.

Developing depth, light and color

Viola! Here is the finished painting! It so conveys the soaring joy I had of sharing so many sunrises with Kenneth. The double framed painting will be for sale at a later time. Look for the announcement and photo of it framed in a later blog.

I believe it is good to anticipate a heavenly reunion with my dear, loving husband and friend of 36 years. Peter says “we are looking forward to a new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13). One day my all my longings will be fulfilled. Not just the longing to see Ken, but the desire that God has placed in my heart to be with Him in the heavenly realm forever and ever. That desire for an eternal home can never be ignored.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.” And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Revelation 21:4-5


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